Saturday, February 27, 2010
Foodie Find:
Today I found what appears to be an excellent website for people who love food/cooking/healthy eating/eating locally grown fare. Check it out here. What do you think?
Farmer's Markets
An image from a farmer's market in Portland, Oregon
I'm sad to admit that I haven't been to a farmer's market in quite some time. For some reason I've been dying to go lately! Perhaps it's the fact that I feel that spring is just around the corner and nothing beats delicious fresh fruit! Are you a regular at a farmer's market? Are there any good ones where you live?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Retro Trailer Park
One of the trailers at The Shady Dell
...and the interior
The other day I was reading the March issue of Sunset Magazine (I would highly recommend getting your hands on a copy), inside was an article regarding unusual places to stay on a trip. One of the places noted was The Shady Dell in Bisbee, Arizona. It's a retro-style trailer park (all of the trailers have been refurbished in 1950s-chic decor) and it's completely adorable. Prices for a night's stay there start at just $45.00 a night! Wouldn't that be a great place to stay for a night or two on a roadtrip?
World's Longest Cat
This is not the same cat but one of the same breed
Today I went to the library with my brother and sisters and saw the world's longest domestic cat. This cat was truly amazing, I kind of really want one! Apparently the breed ("Savannah's Magic") of cats likes water and enjoys playing fetch!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Low Calorie Cocktail
Doesn't this drink look delicious? I found it here, it's called a Mojito Fresco and it only has 95 calories per serving!
Williams-Sonoma Easter Egg
I would have loved to find that egg in my easter basket when I was a kid! You can find these eggs here.
Easter Bunnies
Peter Rabbit Tablecloth
Peter Rabbit Plates
Peter Rabbit Eggs
Easter Bunny Cookie Jar
Easter will be here in less than forty days and as such it is currently Lent (for Christians). It is traditional to give something up for Lent and this year I have decided to give up chocolate (gasp!). It is proving more difficult than I imagined. Chocolate is just in so many things that I love-- like cookies, ice cream, and Nutella! I'm sure that my waist line will thank me in the end but this is really hard! Are you giving something up for Lent?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
This American Life
Ira Glass, the host of This American Life
Are you an NPRaholic like me? One of my Saturday routines is trying to be in the car around one-o-clock so that I can tune into This American Life (you can listen to old episodes online using that link). The show, which is broadcast from Chicago, is about random aspects of American life and is super entertaining. Locally the station to tune in is KPCC 89.3 FM. What do you listen to on the radio?
Trader Joe's
So I love Trader Joe's, and you probably do to. I can't think of a single person that I've ever met to be like, "I hate Trader Joe's!" It's like hating puppies. Anyway, for Christmas I recieved the book Quick and Healthy Meals from Trader Joe's I have to admit that I have yet to try any of the recipes in it. However, I'm thinking of trying one today. The book is sectioned off by type of protein (chicken, seafood, vegetarian) and then sub-sectioned off by cuisine (Asian, Mexican, etc.) Also there are nutrition facts printed next to each recipe so you know exactly what you're eating! I'll let you know how the recipe comes out if I end up trying it...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Watercolor paints
Today at work I did watercolor painting with the kids, they loved it and their pictures came out so cute! Do you like watercolors?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today Dusty started flight school and he could not be more ecstatic. I just can't wait until I can go flying with him! Speaking of airplanes wouldn't this airplane bib available here be darling on a baby boy? It's only twelve dollars so it would be perfect for a baby shower present! Hope you all had a good day!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Indoor Hammocks
I've always loved hammocks outside (who doesn't?) but recently I've been noticing a design trend towards indoor hammocks, which I love equally as much. I found this website which sells a combination hammock/beanbag for indoors which they call "Le Beanock" (pictured above). Doesn't that look like the perfect place to take an afternoon nap?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Frank Lloyd Wright
Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright
Yesterday Dusty and I watched a documentary made by Ken Burns about the life of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I'd always been a fan of his work but his life story is super interesting/crazy too. What kind of architecture do you like?
For quite sometime now I've been a fan of perfume. My constant favorite is Chance by Chanel but a few weeks ago I was at Nordstroms and I smelled happy in bloom by Clinique and I instantly fell in love... Which was why I was absolutely ecstatic when Dusty's mom gifted me with a bottle as an early Valentine's Day present last night. Do you like perfume? What's your favorite scent?
1965 Ford Mustang Pedal Car
Wow, I happened upon this children's pedal car, available here, I have to say I don't think that I could ever rationalize spending nearly 300 dollars on a toy but it is fabulous!
Lazy Saturday
A scene from Shakespeare in Love
Ahhh. It's finally the weekend. This week has been a bit hectic what with school starting and all. What are your plans for the weekend? If you want to have a lazy Saturday night and are looking for something to watch I recommend Shakespeare in Love (you may have already seen it as it came out in 1998) Dusty and I watched it last night and that movie never fails to put me in a good mood, and it's great because it's a love story that even men enjoy. What sorts of movies do you like to watch? Anyway, I hope that you're up to something wonderful. Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Designer Valentines
Today I was on the Vogue website and I happened upon these amazing valentine cards made by fashion designers. Aren't they great? My absolute favorite is above made by Sophie Theallet, it's the key to the first place that she and her beau ever had together. Isn't that completely "awwwww"-worthy? What are you getting your sweetie for valentines? Or are you in the Alex Wang boat? I've never been a big fan of store bought cards and these definitely inspired me to want to make my own. Hope you're having a good day!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I want to go to a napping house...
The Napping House
It's raining again here and being a lover of sunshine and warmth I am not too happy about it. On the bright side though I started my day off nicely with work and then a lot of hot green tea. I'm trying to cut back on my caffiene intake and I know that green tea is supposed to be a healthier energy booster. What do you drink in the morning? Days like today make me want to curl up under the covers and sleep until the sun comes out again. Do you like the rain or do you, like me, wish it could be perpetually sunny and 80+ degrees?
Monday, February 8, 2010
I've got the first-day-of-spring-semester-blues...
Aren't these 1950s school girls adorable? I wish classrooms still looked like that!
After two glorious months of winter break I am tragically back to school. It's not that I don't like school it's just that I like not going to school so much more. I find that the best way to deal with something dreadful is to make it as nice as possible. So this morning I made sure I was all set and organized before school, I had a gloriously large mug full of french pressed espresso, made sure to get to school extra early for optimal parking, and I even remembered to bring reading material to entertain myself while I waited for class to start. All in all the day went as well as it possibly could have. Thank goodness! What do you do when you don't want to do something? How do you make an icky day better?
New find!
The February issue of Lula
The other day I was at the bookstore with my brother, Tom and I happened upon the most darling publication. The magazine is called Lula Magazine and it is full of beautiful, inspiring fashion/photographs and interesting interviews. This last month's magazine was red head themed which was what caught my eye in the first place. Please check it out next time you're at the bookstore!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Today, as I'm sure you are aware is superbowl SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! Sorry, I had to. Anyway, what are your plans? I have to admit I don't even kind of like football (I'm more of a baseball kind of gal) but today I'll be going over to Farnosh's for a party with friends. So I'm looking forward to good food, good company, and good commercials. Hope you have a fabulous day!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
A couple pages from King Bidgood's in the Bathtub and A truly adorable bathroom
This morning I decided (since it's Saturday and all) to skip taking a shower and take a bath instead. It was infinitely more relaxing and I am definitely going to try to do it more often. Do you like baths? Or are you an all showers all the time kind of person? Also, do you have a cool bathtub? Growing up, my neighbors across the street had (and still have) an amazing clawfoot tub which I have always been quite jealous of.
All of this talk about bathtubs reminds me of one of my most favorite children's books of all time, King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, written by Audrey Wood and Illustrated by her husband Don Wood. The story is truly charming and the illustrations are some of the best. The couple has also written many other wonderful stories which I'm sure I'll mention at a later date. Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Taco Night
Buffalo Springfield
Right now Dusty's playing a Buffalo Springfield album and it's amazing. I love good music. What's your favorite band? Do you have a record player?
Kelly Cutrone
Kelly Cutrone with daughter, Ava
I am absolutely obsessed with Bravo's new reality show, Kell on Earth, the show depicts Kelly Cutrone head of Public Relations firm, People's Revolution/single mom. I love her style and demeanor on the show; and I especially love the scenes of her interactions with her seven year old daughter, Ava. If you have cable it's definitely worth watching.
Iced Tea
Lately I've been overindulging and as a result have been feeling gross. So this morning Dusty and I went on a long hike and when we came back I made some iced tea which I am sipping as we speak. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I put limes in mine for an extra fresh taste. Yum. Do you like iced tea as much as me?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
the trails by Dusty's house
I told you before that I liked going for walks around neighborhoods but I also enjoy walks in nature--- a.k.a. hikes. Usually Dusty and I walk the trails near his neighborhood for a few miles which lead us to Irvine Regional Park. It's so beautiful back there, and even though it's super close it feels like an escape. Do you enjoy hiking? If so, where? I've been hiking in many different areas, but I tend to go back to the same spots out of convenience. Do you live near any cool trails? If you have kids do they like being out in nature?
I completely understand.
Bedtime with Eric Carle

Isn't this bedding, (unfortunately currently out-of-stock but normally available here), showcasing Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar ADORABLE??? I kind of want it for myself...
Eric Carle and Tangerines
Art by Eric Carle
I've been reading a lot of Eric Carle to the kindergarteners lately and they love it, so I decided that I wanted to find out some more info about the man behind the colorful and thoughtful children's books. Click here for the official Eric Carle website, and here for his charming blog. By the way, I just ate the most delicious tangerine, I highly recommend eating one it'll brighten your day.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Relating to Alexander
An illustration from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Today things just didn't go as planned, it wasn't anyone's fault but my not so wonderful day reminded me of beloved children's book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. I've always loved the book and the illustrations are wonderful. Though it may sound counterproductive I guarantee you'll feel better after reading the book than you did before. Have you ever read the book? What do you do when you've had a less than fabulous day?
Inside Gabbi's
If you're looking for a good restaurant for you and your sweetie to go for Valentine's Day I highly recommend Gabbi's. It's in Orange right in the circle and has the BEST gourmet-ish Mexican food. It's a tad bit pricey but perfect for a semi-fancy night out, and the margaritas are fabulous! Tip: If you are going to go I highly recommend making a reservation as the restaurant is quite small and very popular.
Children's Music
Old school Raffi
The Peter, Paul and Mary album I grew up listening to
(Isn't this vintage valentine adorable???)
Hurray for the first day of February! Today I stole an idea from Dusty's mom and made cute valentines out of newspaper with the morning kindergarten class (I'll have images of the craft within the next few days). Also happy 12th birthday to my little sister, Carolyn!
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