Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Today the kids at school took great delight in my reading of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett, illustrated by Ron Barrett. I'm sure that I've read that book literally hundreds of times and I still find it to be incredibly charming. The book has absolutely fantastic illustrations--read it to your nephew, cousin, niece, brother, cat, friend, grandpa, sister, kid, self. 


SaraHaase said...

Children's books illustrations [did I use that apostrophe right?] are SO important. I connect the the imagery I was exposed to as a child on a more solid level than ANYTHING else, it seems. Sometimes I feel like it's my duty to make sure that kids of the next generation are going to have GOOD stuff to look at and grow up on and feed their imaginations with. Textures and slimey highlights and strange stylizations and atttttmospheeeeeeere.

Christa Victoria Chandler-Schultz said...

PLease be a children's book illustrator!!!! I will die of happiness, and I agree, they are SO important.