Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trader Joe's

So I love Trader Joe's, and you probably do to. I can't think of a single person that I've ever met to be like, "I hate Trader Joe's!" It's like hating puppies. Anyway, for Christmas I recieved the book Quick and Healthy Meals from Trader Joe's I have to admit that I have yet to try any of the recipes in it. However, I'm thinking of trying one today. The book is sectioned off by type of protein (chicken, seafood, vegetarian) and then sub-sectioned off by cuisine (Asian, Mexican, etc.) Also there are nutrition facts printed next to each recipe so you know exactly what you're eating! I'll let you know how the recipe comes out if I end up trying it...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, i'm excited to find out how it goes!