Saturday, February 6, 2010


A couple pages from King Bidgood's in the Bathtub and A truly adorable bathroom

This morning I decided (since it's Saturday and all) to skip taking a shower and take a bath instead. It was infinitely more relaxing and I am definitely going to try to do it more often. Do you like baths? Or are you an all showers all the time kind of person? Also, do you have a cool bathtub? Growing up, my neighbors across the street had (and still have) an amazing clawfoot tub which I have always been quite jealous of.

All of this talk about bathtubs reminds me of one of my most favorite children's books of all time, King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, written by Audrey Wood and Illustrated by her husband Don Wood. The story is truly charming and the illustrations are some of the best. The couple has also written many other wonderful stories which I'm sure I'll mention at a later date. Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, that's just one of those things i'm going to HAVE to have when i get older, a really cool looking bathtub. None of this annoying ugly stuff that I have right now, I want claw footed and separate from the floor haha. I'm not a big bath taker but I sure do love a good bath now and then.