Tuesday, March 16, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

Tomorrow, as I'm sure you're aware, is St. Patrick's Day. This means that you have free license to drink as much Guinness as you can and eat meat pies and/or corned beef and cabbage until your stomach is distended.

I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with the kids at work tomorrow, we've been doing some fun St. Patrick's Day themed crafts including a rainbow made of kindergartener's hand prints (adorable). Though I do know for certain that I'll be reading them Clever Tom and the Leprechaun, by Linda Shute. 

On a similar note, don't forget to wear green (lest ye be pinched)! If you don't have anything green maybe you should stop by Target and pick up this green, Isaac Mizrahi for Target dress (pictured above), isn't it adorbale?

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