good thoughts, pretty pictures, nice people, friendly words
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Do you have a bedtime routine? I don't now because I'm always going to bed at different times and under different circumstances, but I wish I did. When I was little I didn't like to go to sleep without being read to and "tucked in", and in highschool I had to have a cup of tea and read a book before sleeping. Some of my favorite bedtime themed children's books are Mickey in the Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, and anything illustrated by Michael Hague made for sweet dreams. All three are pictured above in the order mentioned (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol illustrated by Michael Hague is the last shown). What books did you read when you were young? Or if you have kids what books do you like reading to them?
My parents never read me books when I was a kid so most of my book telling was through Reading Rainbow. My favorite children's book was Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. OH, i loved that book. That, and the hungry caterpillar. I guess I was just obsessed with food related books haha.
My parents never read me books when I was a kid so most of my book telling was through Reading Rainbow. My favorite children's book was Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. OH, i loved that book. That, and the hungry caterpillar. I guess I was just obsessed with food related books haha.
Those are definitely two of my favorites too! And I LOVED Reading Rainbow. I should do a blog about it. haha
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